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  • Race Description
    Held at the Stunning Silver Star Provincial Park! Soup 2 Nutz is a super fun 16 km Mountain Bike and 10 km Trail Running event that can be done solo or as a team! You will start this event running at a lung gasping 5,500 feet, winding your way through single track rolling to technical trails, popping out onto a double track grass covered trail with amazing views. From here you will roll along until you hit your big climb on Hell Hill!! after that it is smooth sailing onto beautiful cross country ski trails all the way to Hammered Cow, where you challenge yourself in your last km of single track right back to the bike transition. Cross the line, run it in, grab your bike or tag your partner and go..... This portion of the race is mainly a blue level ride with some short yet spicy black sections peppered in (feel free to walk these). Ride your way through Soup 2 Nutz, and then get those legs ready for the burn all the way up Coffee Grinder single track, to lovely double track that will challenge your fitness all the way up to Raw Bones. This event consists of some of the best trails Silver Star Mountain Provincial Park has to offer, rolling over-rugged double track, fun flowy single track, tough climbs and some sweet descents. This exhilarating course will test your skills and fitness as you explore the terrain of Silver Star Provincial Park.
  • Online Registration Deadline
    You must register by June 13th, 2026 to be ensured a race bag full of goodies and a T-shirt.
  • Entry Fees
    Early Registration NEW THIS YEAR E-BIKE category Solo or Relay!!!!!!!! 26km Solo race early entry fee CAN: $150 26km Team race early entry fee CAN: $300 Participants must be 18 years of age or older on race day or obtain the race directors permission. Relay runners will register individually and include their team's name in the registration process, legs will need to be confirmed prior to race day. The first person to register, will register the team's name, once the team name is selected, the system will automatically place update a spot for remaining team member. *You must be registered by June 14th to be guaranteed a T-shirt *Ultra Signup fees and GST not included
  • Event Schedule
    Saturday July 11th, 2026 Package Pick up: Location: Sovereign Lake Nordic Center Time: 6am-8:15am Check-in & Package Pick up: All Racers must be checked in up to 45 mins prior to race start time. Bike Drop Off: 6am to 8:15am Pre-Race Briefing: Mandatory, 30 mins prior to race start time. Racer Start Time: 9am Solo and Team Aid Station: At start finish line Awards: 12pm Expo Area: 11 am - 3pm Massage Chiro Music Snack table Games area Sponsor tables Food: 11pm - 3pm
  • Events Guide
    Welcome to Soup 2 Nutz Below you will find everything you will need to know about your event. Airport: YLW Kelowna International Airport Airport Shuttles: For a schedule of airport shuttles please see the Kelowna Airport Shuttle link Accommodations: Silver Star Mountain Resort RACE LOCATION Silver Star Provincial Park Sovereign Lake Nordic Center Stadium Saturday July 11th, 2026 PACKAGE PICK UP Package Pick up Location: Silver Star Provincial Park Sovereign Lake Nordic Center Time: 7:00am-8:15am • Bring your signed BB waiver (down loadable from the race page website under Links) • ID must be shown at package pickup. • You must pick up your own racer package. • Hats, t-shirts, sweatshirt, extra meal ticket sales available • If you are wanting to exchange your t-shirt size, please see us at racer headquarters after you are finished racing and we will do our best to accommodate you. DON’T LEAVE PACKAGE PICK-UP WITHOUT Race bib and bike plate number Only racers with race bibs will gain entrance into the bike staging area. · At package pick up we strive to get all racers through the process as quickly as possible. · We are pleased to provide a separate table with lovely volunteers to answer any and all questions you may have. After You Have checked in: Please proceed to the bike staging area by following signage to the fenced biker coral. Your bib will be checked, you may choose any rack, for your bike and there will have space for your gear bin. Racer Token do not lose your token!!! Token will be handed to team rider by team runner as they come through transition to enable them to head out on their ride. Token will be handed over at the finish line for your racer reward Package Pick up Bag: Filled with goodies for you If you have purchased extra food tickets, hats, or t-shirts they will be given to you at this time. There will be hats, t-shirts, and sweatshirts for sale at package pickup. If you feel ill, have a cough, fever, or any other COVID-19 symptoms, for the health and safety of yourself and others, please do not attend the event. The BB Crew will follow current Local and Provincial Health guidelines at time of the event. Please be patient with our staff and volunteers. We are here to provide you with a fun safe event. SOLO & TEAM EVENT race day When You Arrive: Go to Package Pick-Up Bike Drop Off/Check in: July 11th, 7am -8:15am Pre-Race briefing: 8:30am Mandatory Start/Finish Line: Saturday July 11th Stadium Start/Finish Line Racer Check-in: up to 30 mins before the event start Solo & Team Runners to start race: 9am (runners start first) Racer Meal: 11:30am - 3:30pm · TBA · Food tickets will be in your package pick up bags. · Extra tickets for friends and family can be purchased through Ultra Signup. Link Here · Please be aware, unless you bring food up there is no other food for your family other than Silver Star Resort Food Location: Sovereign Lake Stadium Team Race Start Runners: Runners go first to Start/Finish Make sure you have your token!!! You must pass your token to your rider at the start/finish line Riders: Anticipate your runners coming in at the Start/Finish where you will wait to receive the token. Once you receive your token you will then go get your helmet and bike from the bike staging area Walk run your bike to start line and head on out. When you are coming back in from your ride section, there will be signage and race marshals indicating where to dismount your bike and walk/run it in. If you are on a team, your teammate will be awaiting you at the finish line. You must show your token when you cross the finish line. Please don’t lose your token as this will disqualify you and your teammate If there are any portions of the course you feel unsafe, please dismount your bike, and walk through the section. WALK BIKE OUT OF STAGING AREA TO START LINE BEFORE, AFTER AND DURING THE RACE! Solo Competitors Runners go first to Start/Finish Make sure you have your token!!! Once you run across the finish line, you will then go get your helmet and bike from the bike staging area Walk run your bike to start line and head on out. When you are coming back in from your ride section, there will be signage and race marshals indicating where to dismount your bike and walk/run it in. You must show your token when you cross the finish line. Please don’t lose your token as this will disqualify you If there are any portions of the course you feel unsafe, please dismount your bike, and walk through the section. Expo: Massage & Chiro: from 11am-3pm Music: 11am-3pm Games Area: We will have a games area set from 11am – 3pm in the expo area Bring your family and friends to enjoy the fun Awards: Racer prizing will be awarded to the top 3 male and female finishers of each event FINISH LINE FUN: In our race staging are there will be a grassy area for you to enjoy your meal and beverages. Please feel free to bring lawn chairs and picnic blankets to sit, relax, listen to music, and enjoy yourself. We will have a games area with lawn games for you, your friends and family to enjoy. The entire BB Trail Running Crew and I would like to thank you for choosing to spend your day on the mountain with us. We are grateful for the opportunity to show you our racecourses, our mountain, and our community. Racer Photos: Photography and drowns will be out on the racecourses and are pleased to be able to provide you with complementary photos. Watch for them out on the course for all the smiles! PKSNOW Vanessa Garrison Photography
  • Race Start Times
    Silver Star Provincial Park Sovereign Lake Nordic Center Saturday July 11th, 2026 Bike Drop Off/Check in: 6am -8:15am Pre-Race briefing: 8:30am (see below) Runners will start first Solo & Team Runners to start race: 9am
  • Maps
    10 km Run - Route Map Link 10 km Run - Route Map Download 16 km Ride - Route Map Link 16 km Ride - Route Map Download
  • Package Pick Up
    Package pick up: Saturday July 6\12th, Sovereign Lake Start/Finish line 6am-8:15am Package Pick up Bag Filled with goodies for you If you have purchased extra food tickets, hats, or t-shirts they will be given to you at this time. At package pick up we strive to get all racers through the process as quickly as possible. We are pleased to provide a separate table with lovely volunteers to answer any and all questions you may have.
  • What's Included
    Custom Race day T-shirt Custom Racer bib Complimentary Race Photos Gift item and goodies Finisher Prize Fully Stocked Aid Stations First Aid Attendant Kick Butt Volunteers Music Games area Massage Chiropractic Expo Area Amazing racer meal by Wicked Waffles GF Food Truck
  • Waivers
    Yes, all participants are required to sign a waiver before their first run with BB Trail Running. The waiver includes important safety information, such as the inherent risks of trail running, acknowledgement of the participant's physical fitness level, and consent to medical treatment in case of emergency. Signing the waiver is a mandatory step in the registration process and is necessary to ensure the safety of all participants. BB Trail Running takes safety seriously, and the waiver is a key component of their safety protocol. Please see below for BB&Bro's waiver to download waiver and bring with you.
  • Accommodations/Shuttles/Airport
    Kelowna International Airport Shuttle Services Silver Star Accommodations Click Here Then use Promo Code S15GP Silver Star Stays: · Book with Silver Star Stays and enjoy a 15% discount on condos, suites, and entire homes with the discount code BB2024If you are looking to stay In Vernon rather than the mountain: Prestige Vernon Hotel & Conference Center: *Please call the hotel directly to book referencing Bush Babes & Bro's Trail Running Events. 250.558.5991 May-June One or two queens: $145 One King or Two queens with sofa bed: $155 Loft – one queen up one queen down: $165 Loft with sofa bed or one bedroom suite: $175 Loft with Kitchenette: $185 Jul-Aug One or two queens: $165 One King or Two queens with sofa bed: $175 Loft – one queen up one queen down: $185 Loft with sofa bed or one bedroom suite: $195 Loft with Kitchenette: $205 September One or two queens: $145 One King or Two queens with sofa bed: $155 Loft – one queen up one queen down: $165 Loft with sofa bed or one bedroom suite: $175 Loft with Kitchenette: $185
  • Rules/Regulations/Refunds
    Terms & Conditions/Rules & Regulations Please read this section very carefully Race is open to anyone 19 years of age by event day, is in good health, has agreed to the Terms and Conditions, and is physically able to participate. No E-bikes in any Bush Babes & Bro’s Trail Running Events ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RULES The event course is on Provincial Park lands with designated sensitive areas You must stay on the trail at all times. Short cutting is strictly prohibited due to potential damage to vegetation, and potential wildlife along the course. Absolutely no littering along the course. AID STATIONS & SUPPORT Food and drinks will be provided at Aid Stations/Check points, if you have special dietary needs, please ensure to provide for yourself. It is the racers responsibility to ensure the check point captain has written your number down to show you made it through the check point, this is not only for race recording but for your safety. Please be patient at check points as due to personal distancing this may take a litte longer than usual The food and drinks at the aid stations are only for the racers. Sorry no pacers. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE & DROPPING OUT DURING THE RACE In order to ensure race safety, race organizer will prepare and arrange for rescue and medical assistance during the race. However, each participant must recognize and understand that there are risks that may result in injuries and/or accidents associated with adventure racing. You are responsible for yourself and will be participating in this event at your own risk. First aid tent staffed by a first aid attendant will be located at the start finish area. All aid stations will have minimal first aid supplies. Please note that, depending on the area, it may take a long period of time for help to reach you. We will do our utmost to reach you in a timely fashion. If you receive emergency medical assistance from a First aid crew, please make sure that you get examined by a medical professional ASAP. Race marshals, aid station captains and rescue staff have the authority to stop a racer from continuing the race if it is deemed dangerous, you are injured, not following the rules or have not made the cut off time. Depending on your condition, an emergency evacuation may be required. This evacuation will be at the expense of the person being evacuated. Dropping Out at An Aid Station: Tell an aid station volunteer that you have decided to drop out of the race, please remain at that aid station for pick up. Dropping Out Along the Course: If you are able to move on your own, please make your way to the closest aid station (either return to the aid station you just left or go the next aid station). If you are unable to make it without assistance, call first aid station at start/finish line (number will be provided) and follow their instructions. It may take time to get help out to you if you are out on the racecourse so please ensure you have the mandatory gear to keep you warm. If you decide to drop out of the race, you must do so at the nearest aid station/check point so that racer check in can be notified. This is for your safety. Once you have dropped out of the race, you will be considered DNF. Remember to keep your race number with you as you will need it to retrieve your drop bags COURSE MARKERS The racecourse will be marked using marking flagging, reflective flagging for darkness, tape, powder, and signs. Race marshals will also be positioned along the course. We make every effort to clearly mark the course, it is the participants responsibility to watch for the markers. For your safety, racers will be stopped at road intersections to make sure it is safe to cross. Please follow the directions given by the race staff at these intersections. The above signs, flagging and markers will be set up just before the race and will be removed after the last runner has gone through. MANDATORY / RECOMMENDED GEAR & EQUIPMENT Water Reservoir min 500ml (you must carry a minimum of 500ml of water at the start line and for refill in indicate aid station). MANDATORY Small amount of emergency food. MANDATORY Small first aid kit, whistle, pain medication, and antihistamine. RECOMMENDED If you are participating in a Mountain bike/Trail run event you must wear a helmet whilst on the on or near your bike, minimum 500ml of water on the ride. DISQUALIFICATION Race marshals present on the course, and those in charge aid stations are authorized to uphold the rules and regulations. They have the right to remove a participant for non-respect of volunteers, other racers, short cutting the route, Lacking mandatory safety equipment, Throwing garbage on the route, Not wearing bib number, Departure from a check point after the cut off time, Not passing through a check point, Using a pacer, receiving outside assistance (unless ill or injured), and Causing safety issues for themselves or others during the event. The Race Director has ultimate authority in regard to all rules, their interpretation, and their enforcement. RACER RESPONSIBILITIES: You understand the unique nature and requirements of competing in an adventure event. You may be competing all day and night through varying terrain and have undertaken the necessary training to compete in such a race. You will be responsible for yourself and have the ability to deal with any problems that may be encountered during the race. You are able to deal with, on your own without assistance, deteriorating weather conditions such as low temperatures, strong winds, ruff water, and rain. You are able to deal with extreme fatigue, digestive problems, muscle pain or cramping, and mild physical injuries on your own. You are fully aware that when participating in an outdoor activity such as this event, we do our utmost to ensure your safety, but your ultimate safety is your personal responsibility and depends on your own skills and abilities. RACE ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBILITIES Non-deliberate damage to property by race participants (e.g., plants and animals, objects, trails, etc.) Marking and location of signs identifying the racecourse. Race safety management. RACE CANCELLATION The race organization reserves the right to cancel or cut-short the race for the following reasons The inability to ensure event safety due to risks such as extreme smoke, landslides, extreme weather, extreme water conditions, or Pandemic In such a case of natural disasters, or the racecourse cannot be changed to continue the race, the race will not be postponed to a later date. The decision as to whether or not the race will be canceled will be made on the day before the race or on the day of the race. This will be communicated via email and social media channels. In the event of fire, flood, or dangerous weather conditions the race organization reserves the right to make judgments and decisions regarding the shortening/canceling of the race, whether or not there will be refunds, the amount, and the method of communication. Pandemic Restrictions If the race is unable to proceed in person for any circumstances out of BB&Bro's control including smoke, fires, dangerous storms, and Covid-19, the event will move ahead Virtually. Participating in an Mountain Bike Race, Trail Running Race, or Race Training Clinic is a potentially hazardous activity. Registrants agree to participate only if they are physically able, have signed all waivers and agree to follow the rules for their own safety, the safety of the other racers and Volunteers. The Race directors of Bush Babes & Bro's Trail Running have the right to refuse the participation of any registrant if they feel there is a concern for the registrant's health or safety. As we at BB&Bro's Trail Running promote a positive event atmosphere, we hope all participants will conduct themselves with positive trail etiquette and assist fellow racers if injured or in distress. Course cutting and any behavior that puts yourself or any other persons at risk will result in being removed and disqualified from the event. As we are an adventure event company this event may not be limited to trails, trail running, and may include mountain biking. The registrant agrees to assume the risk associated with such an event, such as but not limited to falls, poor weather condition, possibility of poor course condition, wild animals, contact with other racers, volunteers, and park users. BB&Bro's Trail Running, event directors, course marshals and trail leaders reserve the right to disqualify and remove any participants or volunteers that do not comply with the above terms and conditions, with NO recompense. These Terms and Conditions are for the participant's safety and the safety of the other participants, volunteers, clinic members and park users on or off the course. Use of Images BB&Bro's may have photographers and videographers capturing the images prior to and during the event. We reserve the right to use any images or video recordings taken of participants, spectators, volunteers, and clinic members during the course of the event without recompense to the individual. Prizes and Gifts Prizes and items for racers package pick up bags are sponsored and may change without notice due to availability. BB&Bro's reserve the right to change any sponsored gifts or prizes without notice. We will do our utmost to replace the items with similar or same value item. Payment You are not considered registered until full payment is received Registration & Registration Numbers BB&Bro's reserves the right to change the registration limit for the race without notice, rules and or terms and conditions without notice. - Bibs are non-transferable to another runner, rider, or paddler under any circumstance. - You must register 60 days prior to event to be guarantee an event T-Shirt - You may drop down in distance up to 7 days prior to the event. Refunds & Withdrawal Policy BB&Bro's understands that life happens and committing to an event months in advance may prove to be challenging. With that said please read our refund policy carefully below. Registration - 90 Days from Event: - 90% deferral or refund of fee towards another single event in BB&Bro's Series - Redeemable within one calendar year from deferral date. - May only defer once 89-60 Days Prior Event: - 50% deferral or refund of fee towards another single event in the BB&Bro's Series - Redeemable within one calendar year from deferral date - May only defer once 59-46 days -30% deferral towards another single event in the BB&Bro's Series -Redeemable within one calendar year from deferral date -May defer only once 45 days prior to race day as we have ordered and paid for all items needed to make your event spectacular, there will be no refunds, no deferrals, unfortunately no exceptions. Race Cancellation Policy If the race is unable to proceed in person for any circumstances out of BB&Bro's control including smoke, fires, dangerous storms, and Covid-19, the event will move ahead Virtually. Age Restriction You Must be 19 years of age by race day to race 25km and 50km distances for all other distances contact to gain permissions.
    Recognizing that: Trail running is a sport that takes place in the natural environments. Events are taking us to ever more spectacular, natural, remote, and fragile landscape in higher numbers. At the same time as enjoying the sport, all stakeholders – organizers, participants, volunteers, sponsors, suppliers, partners – take on a responsibility to protect the environment and the landscape. Climate change is placing us, our planet, and future generations at risk. We need to reduce the impact of our activity on the climate and to display climate leadership by engaging actively and collectively in striving to achieve climate neutrality. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions will in turn expand economic opportunity and secure livelihoods, allow the use of resources more efficiently, drive economic innovation and strengthen environmental, social and economic resilience. Our sport has a unique power to inspire a wider societal change that prioritizes sustainable development and the lowering of our carbon footprint so that our planet and our natural environment stay intact for future generations to enjoy. Protecting nature and combatting climate change is a responsibility we all share. By working collaboratively with our peers and relevant stakeholders, we can pursue these goals in a consistent and mutually supportive fashion. We should strive to share knowledge and experience with each other, disseminate good practices and lessons learned, develop new tools, and collaborate on areas of mutual interest. We strive to: Respect and conserve nature, its flora and fauna, natural habitats and landscapes. Integrate sustainability into our event organization. Preserve and protect our trails and keep them litter-free. Reduce waste at source, support recycling, and composting. Reduce the event’s carbon footprint. Raise awareness to our participants, volunteers, sponsors, suppliers and partners about the importance of an environmentally friendly approach.
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