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Bloody Nipples and Boob Sweat

Bloody Nipples and Boob Sweat

You all know what I’m talking about.

As a runner we have all had one or the other and neither are awesome.

My friends and I have felt that someone should have a race called the ‘Bloody nipple’ and the T-shirts can already have the blood stains on the front, or race shirts for women with the dripping boob sweat already there. Then when you do start to bleed or profusely sweat, it’s not like anyone will notice because you will all have the same bloody nipple swoob shirt on.

Inventions Happen Out On The Trails

After logging hrs of training your mind comes up with some amazing ideas, like inventing a bra the self-dry’s and doesn’t leave your under boob peeled like a fresh peach. Or a manzier with soft nipple cups to stop the bloody nipple action, or my favorite one is the mesh liner on your butt crack for better ventilation…


Have you come up with any inventions out on the trails or is it only me and my crazy friends?

Tell me your greatest invention idea and let’s compare notes on who can fix their running ailments the best. The top choice will receive a Bush Babes Trail Running hat or t-shirt of their choosing.

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