One medium order of Sweet Potato Mash from the bistro (Natures Fare) (about 2 cups)
1 jar of Shuswap Tomato Jam (carrot would also be yummy)
1 package of broccoli sprouts (any sprout would work)
1 package of mild Italian Field Roast vegan sausages, grilled and sliced on the bias
1 Package of Black Sheep Vrie vegan cheese, sliced thin
¼ cup of flour
1 flax egg (mixed thick) or 1 egg if not making vegan
Mix flax egg and let thicken.
Add sweet potato mash, “egg”, and flour to a bowl. Mix until well-blended.
Preheat a flat skillet to medium heat, add a small amount of oil and drop the potato mixture onto the pan making either bite size (about 1 tsp of mix) or larger (1 tbsp. of mix) pancakes. Let them cook until lightly browned, flip and continue to cook on the other side. When done remove them to cool on a wire rack. (You don’t want condensation under them from a plate to make them soft).
Grill the sausage, slice on the bias and grill the slices to give them a little bit of colour.
Top the sweet potato pancake with a small amount of jam, sprouts, a slice of sausage, and top with cheeses.
Display on a serving tray or plate and enjoy!